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NanoVi® for Repair and Regeneration

1. Introduction of Bio-Identical Signalling Technology

Oxygen metabolism is involved in cell metabolism and is essential for energy production (ATP). Unfortunately, oxygen metabolism always generates oxidative stress by producing free radicals. To minimize cellular damage caused by free radicals, the body relies on two phases of oxidative response. The first phase is to avoid damage and the second phase is to repair it. Eng3’s technology is used to boost the second phase of oxidative response by enhancing cellular repair. Better health, vitality, and performance result from improved cellular activity.

Oxidative response is the body’s natural defense against damage caused by free radicals which are also called reactive oxygen species (ROS). The first phase of oxidative response attempts to avoid oxidative damage by neutralizing ROS. Antioxidants act as scavengers that bind to free radicals before they can be harmful. The second phase of oxidative response is to repair unavoidable damage. Repair is initiated through biological signaling from certain ROS. The ROS-specific signals are transferred over a network of connected water molecules in the body.

The body’s repair mechanisms are initiated either by biochemical or biophysical processes. The importance of biophysical triggers has only been well-known in the scientific community for a few decades. This area of science is new compared to the understanding of the role of biochemical interactions. Within the last 20 years a specific signal (second messenger) has been identified as an important trigger for protein activities that repair damaged proteins and the DNA. The NanoVi, veritably, generates this signal. As a result, it is referred to as bio-identical signaling.

NanoViTM technology mimics a biological process that has been known for many decades. It is a physical repair process, not a chemical interaction. The final result is the repair of damaged proteins in cells. This is achieved by helping proteins refold back into their correct shape. Only when folded into the correct shapes can proteins function correctly.

Underlying biology in 3 steps:
1. To refold, damaged proteins need a “kick”, an impulse that is a kinetic process.
2. This impulse is transmitted by the water molecules in which the proteins are imbedded.
3. Water molecules, for their part, transfer this repair impulse after they receive a very particular electromagnetic signal. This

particular electromagnetic signal is constantly produced by a specific reactive oxygen species (ROS) that emits its excitation energy right after it is created.

NanoViTM technology in 3 steps:

  1. Inside the NanoViTM devices the same specific electromagnetic signal is produced and has been verified by a University of Washington physics lab.

2. The water molecules in the humidity absorb this signal and convert it to an impulse.
3. The impulse is transferred by the humidity to the mucous membrane of the user and cascades through the entire body. All embedded proteins in the body are exposed to this impulse and receive the “kick”.


2. Background – Biological Signal Generation

From redox homeostasis to protein structure modulation and redox signaling therapy

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been identified as being responsible for many harmful events in humans, while on the other hand, they are increasingly being recognized as necessary cell signaling agents. The multiple roles of ROS are reflected in the multiple roles of antioxidants, which are part of many disease preventing remedies, but are recently also discussed as disease causing agents. This article provides an overview of the current knowledge of ROS as part of complex redox networks that can harm or benefit cells. It presents up-to-date physicochemical and biological information, in an understandable, novel way, to involve the reader in the significant discussion on ROS and anti-ROS as the novel therapeutic agents of the coming decades. After reading this article, the reader will understand chemical terms such as half reaction and standard redox potential, biological terms such as singlet oxygen and ROS signaling, and therapeutic terms such as small molecule therapy and signal transduction modulators. These and other terms are necessary to understand for the informed discussion of novel human therapies based on redox homeostasis.


3. The Artificial Bio-Identical SignalDetermination of IR-LED Emission Spectrum and Radiated Power

The specific near-infrared light wavelength of 1270 nm (non-visible) is emitted by singlet oxygen molecules when they undergo radiative relaxation into their triplet state (S0 -> T). Singlet oxygen molecules are also known as ROS (Reactive Oxygen Specie). The process of emitting relaxation energy is also called phosphorescence and known to trigger oxidative response.

The detected power spectrum emitted by two examples NIR LEDs with an HP HP71951 optical spectrum analyzer with a 60um entrance aperture



With the “NanoVi” approach and its emission range of 1100 – 1300 nm by the NIR LEDs this corresponds to the same energy range compared to that emitted by the singlet oxygen based NIR generation, yet with several orders of magnitude higher power. The small difference in peak power wavelength is not expected to have any physical effect on the efficiency on the excitation with an molecular resonance. This approach eliminates the indirect multi-step singlet oxygen approach based on first activating a catalyst that then generates singlet oxygen and subsequent emission of 1200 nm NIR radiation.